Tuesday, January 18, 2011

City Crafter Challenge Blog ~ Week 40 Flower Show at Jersey City

Hi, this is Kirsty here again, your host for City Crafter Challenge Blog this week.
Today I am taking you to a flower show in a city I once lived for 18 months - Jersey City, NJ. I could not say I know or like this city a lot, because the place I lived was just 4 minutes underground train ride to Manhattan, where I spent most of my time, but I do love my neighborhood, especially during Spring Time. I would walked around with my camera, just like a tourist, and took photos for all those new blooms, here I am taking you to THE FLOWR SHOW in JERSEY CITY!

~ kirsty

CCCB week 39 ~ Flower Show (Jersey City)

This week, we want to see "handmade flower(s)" in your project

Guest Designer
This week we have the talented Ira Huberts guest designing with us!
Ira is a familiar faces to most of you here at CCCB, and a great blog buddy of mine. I love her beautiful vintage creations and enjoying reading her post too! please be sure to stop by Ira's Blog "Ira's Crea Corner" and check out her beautiful artwork, let's welcome Ira...

In her words: I'm Ira Huberts-Turner and was born (1965) and raised in the south of the Netherlands. I've been into crafting as long as I can remember; it was something that was always stimulated by my parents when I was young.
We didn't have tons of games, but we invented them and had stacks of coloring books, paper, pencils and clay lying around. Meanwhile I've tried my hand at various crafts, knitting, embroidery, batik, doll making , pottery, soldering, pergamano, papercraft and this is basically where my heart lies.
I love working with beautiful papers and embellishments and I simply adore flowers (read ones and those out of paper). Nowadays I'm in for 3D projects, altered stuff, mixed media and my big passion is history. When making or altering something I always try to think below the surface to give it more 'depth'.
I've always said I should have been born 100 years ago; I'm a huge Jan Austen fan and greatly value the histories of England, France and the US. Perhaps it's in my blood (my father is a Javanese-British descent and his grandmother was French), who knows" I'm an ardent reader of particularly 10th century novels, give me a book and a nice cup of tea any time! Probably also one of the main reasons why I read English and French at University 'e collected quite a few books over the years; I simply cannot walk past a bookstore without entering.... But then again the same goes for a craft store, LOL!
I love anything vintage and it shows in our interior as well, we try to use the littlest means as possible. I'm fortunate to be married to one of the best and most loving guys in the world, together we try to make our home a nice cozy little nest. We both love to decorate and paint our house and make changes in/around the house.
I have been blogging since October last year and I must say it's been a real pleasure to me. It's a great opportunity to meet new friends and I've met quite a few lovely friends during that time. I only sometimes say that it can be a burden when you've got so much that really interest you.... There's only 24 hours in a day.
I used to work for a wholesale company of machinery and equipment as an export manager, which I truly loved. But nowadays, I'm in a much more feminine line of business: I'm a factory agent and act as an intermediary between factories and wholesalers/retailers. Oh yes, and it's Halloween costumes that I'm selling!

Ira Huberts
Ira's Crea Corner

Design Team
Here are the beautiful projects of the DT

Kirsty Vittetoe

Linda Robinson

Cheryl Nelson

Ros Crawford
Mikey's Mom

Take Note
You are welcome to submit any type of project based on the theme and enter as many times as you wish, but we do hope that the creation is new and original, please do not link creation that have been posted prior to the day of the current challenges. We are looking after our wonderful sponsors who donate time, prizes and effort with full focus on them, to be eligible for the prize -

No direct selling links are allowed here
Please mention City Cratfer Challenge Blog and provide a link back to us
Please do not cross-promote event unrelated to City Crafter Challenge Blog
Link your direct post of the challenges and not your entire blog


Today we have a SPECIAL prize
The winner will get a GD spot here at CCCB, how cool is that?

To Play Along
Upload your creation to your blog or online gallery (if you add your photo to an online gallery, please use code CCCB#40 so we could easily find your creation, then link here with the direct link (not your entire blog). Don't forget to link back to our blog so more people can join in the fun!

Challenge ends January 24, 2011 at 11.59 PM (EST)
We would love you to play along, so come on and join us!

If you have difficulties using Linky Tools, please feel free to email citycrafter@gmail.com, we will try our best to help you with your questions.

Thank you so much to everybody who joined in last week.
We had 30 fabulous entries and there were so many beautiful creations, just amazing!
Here's the winner for week # 39

Joanne Leddy

and we have to mention a few other beautiful creation that caught our attention

CCCB Spotlight Artists

Emily Keaton
Melissa Bove
Kasia G
Happy Day
Sylvia Nelson
Mocca 22

Congratulations to all, and thanks for everyone who played along with us last week, please feel free to grab your winner/spotlight artists badge and display it proudly on your blog.

Joanne, please drop me (kirsty) a line at citycrafter@gmail.com so I could link you up for your prize. You have till January 24 to do that.

Hope to see you all again this week for the "handmade flower" challenge


  1. So happy to be here Kirsty! And I'm really honoured that you asked me to be this week's GD! Love the DT creations, nice to see all of these different flowers on one page! Happy crafting to all of you, greetz from the Netherlands, Ira x

  2. Beautiful things and nice pictures.:-)

  3. Beautiful samples.....I used to go through JC to NYC every day also---way back in the day! I didn't even KNOW that JC had a flower show!!! Wasn't my favorite place either!
    Have to see if I can come up with a flower to play along with everyone!

  4. Congratulations Joanne! Check out her wonderful blog! Congrats to all the winners as well. Thanks again CCCB gals for honoring me with a Spotlight! Each one is special to me, but you are the heroes coming up with these beautiful things to stimulate the brain!

  5. Great Challenge..So many beautiful flowers by the DT..

  6. Thank you so much for mentioning my card...Happy Day! it All the cards here are so wonderful and inspiring. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into this blog and the challenges. Thanks again! :o)

  7. Thanks ladies for all your lovely comments, and for your great projects for CCCB, we enjoy having all here, thanks for the support!

  8. Thanks so much for naming me a Spotlight Artist for Week 39. I'm just thrilled!! :)

  9. Well done to everyone ... so many gorgeous entries .... you gals rock!!

  10. I love all the handmade flower inspiration ladies!!

  11. HOORAY! i've been seeing the awesome DT & reader cards for this challenge all week long...and i finally got to MAKE one over the weekend! how fabulous to focus on a zillion gorgeous FLOWERS instead of the snow remnants we've had for weeks here in new jersey! THANKS, you guys! ♥♥♥
