Tuesday, February 8, 2011

City Crafter Challenge Blog Week #43 ~ All That Glitters.....

Hi there ... It's Ros here, happy to be back with you!
This week I've set you a challenge 
to use Gold AND Silver on your cards or projects ...
Don't be daunted ... these can be in any form ... 
stamps, brads, charms, Mirri card ... whatever you like 
So get your crafty heads on and come and join us
We are looking forward to seeing what YOU come up with

~ Ros ~

Week 43 ~ All That Glitters......

Guest Designer
Please meet our very special Guest Designer, Johanna. We are so honored to have her designing with us this week! Johanna's soft and romantic creations have wowed me every time I stop by her blog, I am thrilled when she said "yes" when I asked her to be our guest for City Crafter. You should wait no more, see if for yourself, please welcome Johanna.....

{Bibbi}s Dillerier

Design Team
Here are the beautiful projects of the DT

Ros Crawford
Mikey's Mom

Kirsty Vittetoe
Handmade Little Things

Linda Robinson
My Happy Place

Cheryl Nelson
Cheryl June Girl

Take Note
You are welcome to submit any type of project based on the theme and enter as many times as you wish, but we do hope that the creation is new and original, please do not link creation that have been posted prior to the day of the current challenges. We are looking after our wonderful sponsors who donate time, prizes and effort with full focus on them, to be eligible for the prize -

No direct selling links are allowed here
Please mention City Crafter Challenge Blog and provide a link back to us
Please do not cross-promote event unrelated to City Crafter Challenge Blog
Link your direct post of the challenge and not your entire blog


We are so lucky to have Sylvia Nelson as our sponsor again!
Sylvia put together this lovely prize package consists of many great items in All that glitters, THANK YOU! Sylvia!!! You can see the list of the items HERE!

Sylvia has a little Etsy Store, you might want to pop by and take a look, she has lots of handmade cards, card sets and even wooden stamps, do stop by http//www.sylviascorner.etsy.com and shop around, perhaps drop by Sylvia's blog - Sylvia's Stamp Corner and send a little THANK YOU note, she has been very kind and generous to sponsored this wonderful prize package for the lucky winner.

To Play Along
Upload your creation to your blog or online gallery (if you add your photo to an online gallery, please use code CCCB#43 so we could easily find your creation, then link here with the direct link (not your entire blog). Don't forget to link back to our blog so more people can join in the fun!

Challenge ends February 14, 2011 at 11.59 PM (EST)
We would love you to play along, so come on and join us!

If you have difficulties using Mister Linky, Please feel free to email citycrafter@gmail.com, we will try our best to help you with your questions.

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in last week, We had 177 fabulous entries and there were so many LOVEly creations, just amazing! And here's our winner for week #42 "All you need is LOVE" challenge

And our spotlight artists are

Congratulations to all, thanks for sending in your beautiful work do feel free to grab your winner/spotlight artist badges and display it proudly on your sidebar.
Winner, please send an email your mailing info to citycrafter@gmail.com, so we could line you up with our wonderful sponsor, you have till Feb 14 to do that. Thanks once again for those who played along with us last week, hope you had fun and see you this week at "All that glitters" challenge.


  1. Oh, beautiful works and amazing prize! Hope I have time for playing!

  2. delighted to be a spotlight artist, thanks for the mention!! : )

  3. wonderful challenge! fabulous creations by the DT!
    congrats to the winners :)!
    *hugs* steph :)

  4. Thanks for the great inspiration! Gorgeous cards from the DT! :D

    xx Tracey xx

  5. Johanna has been one of my inspirations for a very very long time, in fact, I think she may have been one of the very first blogs I ever looked at when I was beginning a year ago. Great choice of Guest Designer !! Linda's card this week, wow, one of her very best in my opinion.

    I haven't told you all lately how much I enjoy seeing your weekly challenges, and participating when I can !! When I can't, well I still visit you, and there is always inspiration for something I am working on !!

  6. Thanks ladies, not just for visiting us, playing along with us, also for your lovely comments weeks after weeks, thank to ALL!!!!!

  7. Great Challenge. I love Johana's work. But all the DT had some great inspiration and there are lots of lovely entries.
