Tuesday, April 19, 2011

City Crafter Challenge Blog Week #53 ~ Gate Card

Hello my sweets. It is my Linda and I am hosting this week...
I just want to start by saying Thanks to everyone that hopped along with us last week... It was a lot of fun... And a lot of great prizes are going to be given out... YEA!!!!!

So now onto this week's challenge. Boy do I have something a little different this week... I hope you have fun with it. It is a GATE CARD. Your card will open up just like a gate. Below is a link to let you know how to make it. You can use any color scheme or theme that you want as long as it is a GATE CARD.
I can't wait to see what you all come up with.... so go get creative my friends!!!!

Link - How to make a GATE CARD

~ Linda Robinson

Week 53 ~ GATE CARD
photo credit - www.art.com

Guest Designer
I am happy to introduce you to our Guest Designer this week - Melissa Bove! I just love her shabby chic style, she would go all out to make every one of her creation as pretty as it could be, trust me, you will see it for yourself in her GD sample next!

Here's a little about Melissa in her own words:
My name is Melissa Bove. I love to do all kinds of paper crafting but especially card making and altered gift items. I live in southern NJ with my hubby and 2 children. Any free time I have, you can always find me in my craft studio. Crafting for family, friends, 1 of my DT's or just because! I am thrilled to be a Guest Designer for The City Crafter Challenge Blog! Have fun making those "Gate Gards" I did. 

Melissa Bove
Please stop by Melissa's blog and leave her some love!

Design Team
Here are the beautiful projects of the DT! Please hop over to their individual blog to see more photos of the project!

Linda Robinson

Cheryl Nelson

Ros Crawford

Kirsty Vittetoe

Take Note
You are welcome to submit any type of project based on the theme and enter as many times as you wish, but we do hope that the creation is new and original, please do not link creation that have been posted prior to the day of the current challenges. We are looking after our wonderful sponsors who donate time, prizes, and effort with full focus on them, to be eligible for the prize -

No direct selling links are allowed here
Please mention City Crafter Challenge Blog and provide a link back to us
Please do not cross-promote event unrelated to City Crafter Challenge Blog
Link your direct post of the challenge and not your entire blog

This week's prize package is kindly sponsored by American Crafts

Here's a little about American Crafts - Steve and Alma Mitchell founded American Crafts in 1994 with their sons. Together, they quickly built the company into a business catering to the general crafting market. Initially specializing in pen manufacturing. American Crafts produced a variety of gel and ink pens and markers - customer favorites that are still part of the company's lineup today. In the late 1990s, the company transitioned to focus on creating innovative, well-designed products from the emerging scrapbooking industry. Since then, American Crafts acquired the Pebbles brand to offer an even wider variety of products to scrapbookers.
American Crafts is known for fresh, clean product design and friendly, personalized customer service. Products feature bright, vibrant colors and a contemporary feel, inspiring crafters to record their memories in a fun, sophisticated, and stylish way.

To Play Along
Upload your creation to your blog or online gallery (if you add your photo to an online gallery, please use code CCCB#53 so we could easily find your creation, then link there with the direct link (not your entire blog). Don't forget to link back to our blog so more people can join in the fun!

Challenge ends April 25, 2011 at 11.59PM (EST)
We would love you to play along, so come on and join us!

If you have difficulties using Inlinkz, please feel free to email citycrafter@gmail.com. We will try our best to help you with your questions.

Thanks to all the beautiful entries we had last week for our "CCCB Birthday" Challenge, we hope you know that your support is hugely appreciated. Our DT had so much fun visiting each and every one of your fabulous blog, here's the winner(s) for week 52

and our Spotlight Artists are

Congratulations to all, we have NEW winner/spotlight badge for you, feel free to display it proudly on your side bar.
Jani, please send an email to citycrafter@gmail.com, so we could link you up with our wonderful sponsor for your prize.

As promised, here's the announcement for our 
Birthday Blog Hop winners

from Kirsty's blog - Amelia Khalik
from Linda's blog - Jacira
from Cheryl's blog - Stella
from Ros's blog - Cindy
from Sylvia's blog - June Houck

Congratulations to all our Blog hop winners, please email citycrafter@gmail.com to claim your $10 gift certificate sponsored by Pixie Dust Paperie

Thanks to all, we had a fabulous birthday week and we hope to see you here again when we step into our year two at City Crafter Challenge Blog!


  1. Hello! The first time I am able to obtain what you are offering for the sidebar. What does it mean / spotlight badge for you,? If you do not have trouble, please explain how to do it:) Thank you very much!

  2. Nossa! Que alegria! E duplamente!!! Obrigada pela escolha do meu cartão, realmente é muito muito gratificante entrar aqui no blog e ver meu nome ali escrito entre as artistas destaques!! obrigada também pelo presente no Blog Hop!!! Alegria!!!

  3. Hi, ladys!
    I know your blog through my friend Jacira. I'm brazilian too.
    I loved your works and challenges and I to begin a participate here.
    Excuse my English...is bad!

  4. Congratulations to all our winners last week, thanks for your support for the past year and hope to see you here for our year 2!!!

  5. Thanks so much for the spotlight girls! It was so much fun to share this birthday celebration with you. Looking forward to more fun to come. :-) Congrats to ALL the winners!!!

  6. Thanks so much! I am thrilled to have found your site and had so much fun making the card for the challenge. Happy Birthday CCC!

  7. Hi Kirsty
    This is the first time for me!
    It is a lovely challenge and made me just get on and make a gate card.
    What an inspirational challenge blog.
    I was also inspired by Chris and Ros.
    Have fun!
    Sue xx

  8. Hi, ladys!
    I post my card...I loved participate here in your challenge!!!Thanks!!!

  9. So happy to see some new faces as well as our regulars here, YAY!!!

  10. Hi Saw your challenge and beautiful samples so when I had a moment made my entry only to find I'd noted it against the wrong site and then could not find you again, my friend sorted it for me. Hope you like my take on your theme after all that :) XOXO Zoe

  11. What a lovely group of people you all are. Thank you for coming over and for all your lovely comments they really are appreciated. XOXO Zoe
